We are proud to be having Mick Walker as a speaker at Newcastle upon Tyne, Sheffield and Edinburgh Vegan Festivals this year.
Mick Walker (63 year old) is now coming to the end of a career teaching Biology, a keen cyclist and fell walker. As mick has got older, he has found that he has been able tMick Walkero sustain my strength and fitness (indeed, improve them!) by adopting a 100% plant based diet, which he did after reading ‘Eat and Run’ by the US ultramarathon runner, Scott Jurek.
His only regret is that he didn’t do so much earlier! This year, he completed many cycling sportives in very respectable times, including The Fred Whitton Challenge, The Etape du Dales and The Monster. In recent years, he has been following and studying the evidence being put forward (mostly in the US) in favour of a ‘Whole Food Plant Based Diet’ as exemplified by athletes including Scott Jurek, Rich Roll, Brendan Brazier and others. He is now promoting this via (www.vegancyclist.co.uk) – as well as advising people who might be finding it difficult changing to a vegan diet.
Alongside the maintenance of health, I also believe it is crucial that more people understand the importance of a vegan lifestyle to eliminate the exploitation of animals and reduce environmental degradation.