On Saturday 29th July the amazing chef Lee Watson author of Peace & Parsnips and his partner Jane were in Newcastle to run a vegan cooking class to show us how easy vegan cooking actually is.
The description was ” Find out for yourself how to make the most of simple ingredients and cook quick and delicious plant-based dishes. Lee will be making the foods we all love, like burgers, curries, soups, smoothies, desserts and salads. At the end of the demonstration, we’ll enjoy a 3 course lunch together, sampling the food that has been cooked. This demonstration will give you the inspiration and confidence to give the dishes a go at home. Although the ingredients are simple, this is food full of flavour and texture. These are creative, delicious recipes especially for summer, full of vitality and fresh seasonal produce. ” This alone sounded amazing and I just had to go along and find out more. Although I have been vegan cooking for years now it is always great to find out new ways of doing things and being educated on the benefits of plant based eating.
Above is just a few photos of some of the amazing and delicious food cooked throughout the day. The day started at 10.15 and we ended up finishing around half past 3, so this was a full day of vegan cooking and food tasting. To start with Jane showed us how easy it is to make oat milk and then she used the left over oats to make a breakfast smoothie. Some of the other foods we learnt how to cook was a chocolate cake and a banoffee pie. We then learnt how to make this incredible soup, curries, vegetable tarts, jack fruit which i am not usually a fan of but it tasted out of this world. We also learnt how to make little things like vegan slaw, mayo etc.
The visitors did not do any actual cooking themselves we watched Jane and Lee do this with a little help from his dad in the background working hard keeping everything running smoothly. However once we had watched and learnt how to cook all the food everyone sat down at the end and tasted the amazing food on offer. This class was definitely inspiring I can see huge benefits of this class for non vegans for them to see how easy it is and how tasty and amazing vegan food is.
We look forward to more cooking classes from Lee and Jane soon.
Hope you enjoyed this review.
Love Louise x