Vegan Festival Stadium of Light. Last weekend we visited NEVFEST a great vegan festival in the North East of England, as expected there was a huge turn out, the event its self was hosted in Sunderland’s own football ground, the Stadium Of Light, so we had no problems finding it.. NEVFEST had a great range of stalls including a good selection of quality foods including some raw vegan options, other stalls included clothing and animal cruelty awareness groups. We also had the chance to see some talks, screenings and the crafts fair which was upstairs. All in all was a great family fun day. Keep posted for more news on Vegan Festival Stadium Of Light, no doubt the next event will be bigger and better than the last.
In nearly every city in the UK there is a vegan festival, this goes to show the popularity of the vegan movement. It just seems only a short time ago that an event like this would be held in church hall, with possibly 100 or so in attendance, but today these events attract several thousands, and many travel considerable distance. The future of veganism looks bright, if these festivals are anything to go by.
So, I would encourage anyone, not just vegetarians or vegans to attend this event, and if possible take a non vegan/vegetarian friend or family member along, these events show that there is no need for animal cruelty in today’s world.
Although I am the organiser of these type of events myself (obviously), I also love to attend other festivals through out the country and beyond. Tomorrow I am at Leeds Vegan Festival and hope to get some amazing products when i am there. I’ll post some pics when I return..
We loved it. Ill try and upload more pics soon.