Being a student at university is tough enough, but being a vegan student can mean even more money to spend out and at a time when money is tight too.
If you’re heading off to uni in the next few weeks and you’re a committed vegan (or you’re looking to embrace the vegan lifestyle – welcome!), you may be wondering how to keep costs down. You’ll likely have all kinds of other things to pay for, from books to clothing, rent, housing costs, and of course, you’ll want to save a bit of money here and there for socialising with your new friends
Vegan on a Budget
So how do you do it? How do you become or stay a vegan on a tight university student’s budget? It can seem a bit like an impossible task, but with our tips below, you’ll be saving money and sticking with your important values along the way. Welcome to the vegan-on-a-shoe-string lifestyle!
Cook At Home
Have you always fancied learning to cook but never really had the time or inclination? If you’ve ever been out to a restaurant or pub that serves vegan options, you’ll notice that they are usually more expensive than our meat-eating friends, so why not cook at home?
Cooking can be an enjoyable, sociable adventure, and you don’t even need much specialist kit either. Have a look online for some Argos discount codes to get you started with things like blenders and other cooking apparatus and log into YouTube to get some great vegan cooking tips from the pros! You’ll be cooking up delicious vegan feasts for you and your friends in no time!
Go Seasonal
Being vegan isn’t just about avoiding any animal products; it’s also about being at one with the earth and the environment. If you’re buying fresh strawberries in December or parsnips in the middle of summer, you’re not doing a great job at promoting seasonal growth.
Buying seasonally will help to reduce the food miles you’re contributing to, but it can also help your budget too; after all, out of season fruit and veg is generally more expensive! If you’re really committed to fresh local produce, your local vegetable market will have some amazing deals like a bowl for a pound. Get out there and make some new friends with a trip to the market!
Ditch The Vegan Label
Have you ever noticed that things labelled as vegan tend to be more expensive? If you’ve never really shopped for yourself, you’ll be forgiven for not seeing this, but as soon as you get into the swing of filling your own cart, you’ll soon notice that the more things with the vegan label on it, the less money you’ll have to spend!
There are many things that are perfectly vegan-friendly and vegan safe that may not have the vegan label on it. This doesn’t mean they’re not vegan friendly; it just means they haven’t gone through the accreditation. Take a bit longer next time you’re shopping to have a good look around your supermarket, and don’t forget to be a diligent label reader, as you’ll save a fortune!