Rich Roll has been mentioned in Men’s Health (one of the worlds largest health magazines). Men’s Health is the best-selling men’s magazine in the US, is currently circulated in 59 countries. The magazine named Rich Roll the world’s fittest vegan, saying: “Meet Rich Roll. He’s 51 years old and way more ripped than you’ll ever be.”.
The magazine said that late last year, Mr Roll completed the Ötillö Swimrun World Championship, which saw the athlete crossing 26 islands with a 40-mile run and six-mile swim. Roll told Men’s Health: “It’s probably the hardest one-day thing that I’ve ever done in my life. It proved to me that at 50, I could still go out and compete at a high level.”, they also said that Roll “may very well be the world’s fittest vegan”. Roll, who is also a father of four and best-selling author, said it would be a “heavy title”.
“I’m not so sure I could claim that crown and one of the reasons for that is we’re seeing the explosion of vegan athletes right now”. He added that this was an “exciting” thing to witness.
Rich Roll has some very interesting books available including, The Plantpower Way : Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes and Guidance for the Whole Family and Finding Ultra