We are very very excited to have animal rights activist, paralympic skier, 5 times world record holder, business woman,motivational and inspirational speaker Heather Mills to our vegan festival in Newcastle upon Tyne this summer.
In 2003, the Open University awarded her an honorary doctorate for her philanthropic work on behalf of amputees. She continues to campaign, in addition to promoting the distribution of prostheses around the world and has been involved with the development of the Heather Mills McCartney Cosmesis, which gives amputees in America the chance to wear a Dorset Orthopaedic cosmesis, without having to travel to the UK. Heather Mills is also vice-president of the Limbless Association. In 2004, she received a “Children in Need” award from the annual International Charity Gala in Düsseldorf and in the same year, the University of California, Irvine, gave her their 2004 Human Security Award and created the Heather Mills McCartney Fellowship in Human Security to support graduate students conducting research on pressing human security issues. She is a former Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Association Adopt-A-Minefield programme.
History of Heather Mills
1986 – Heather started her business career after leaving home at the age of 14, successfully building and selling 3 businesses by the age of 20.
1990 – Heather moved to the former Yugoslavia, now Slovenia and became involved in the Balkan Crisis. She setup a refugee crisis centre in London, funded from her UK businesses. And started a career in Charity and Campaigning.
1993 – Returning from the Balkan Crisis to advise the shadow defence secretary, Heather was involved in a road traffic accident in the UK, resulting in the loss of her lower leg, a fractured skull, a crushed pelvis and ribs, and a punctured lung.
1993 – Career started in Television, Counselling and Public Speaking.
2009 – Created VBites, The International Vegan ethical food company.
2009 – Founded VBites restaurants.
2010 – Started professional career in Alpine Ski Racing.
Initially when you meet her, you just wonder if she’s too good to be true.All she talks about is good causes, ways of helping other people. When I first met her, I must admit I thought is there a side to this that I’m missing, but I suppose that’s because people in Britain are brought up to be slightly cynical and years and years and years later, she’s been completely consistent. She is 100% genuine and I would kill for her, and I think anyone else who got a telephone call would kill for her, and when I say for her, it’s for the other people that’s she’s fighting for. Richard Branson.
She has accomplished so much and she has inspired so many people along the way. But she’s also great fun. She’s just someone who lights up a room when she walks in. She combines the seriousness of her mission with the understanding of the fleeting nature of life and the need to enjoy every single minute of this beautiful gift that we’ve been given. And through it all she never forgets, there are many children and many men and women that don’t have anywhere near the blessing that we enjoy today. Hillary Clinton
Heather Mills is a dynamic personality with a wealth of knowledge about global humanitarian issues. She is passionate about her focus on nutrition and healthy living, animal rights, and her life story is both riveting and remarkable. I was so impressed I asked her to host my TV show Larry King Live. Heather was a smart, charming and gracious guest host. She was very well prepared. I have no doubt! I would love her to be my resident host. Larry King
Some of Heather’s Awards
1996 – Outstanding Young Person of the Year: Overcoming adversity.
1996 – Gold Award for Outstanding Achievement: Outstanding achievement.
1996 – Human Achievement Award: The Times: Outstanding charity work.
1996 – Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 28: Work with landmines and amputees.
1999 – Pride of Britain Awards: Saving lives and making the community a better place.
2001 – Croatian Humanitarian Award: from Croatian Prime Minister, Ivica Racan.
2003 – Open University Sesame Honorary Graduate: Philanthropic work on behalf of amputees.
2003 – Melvin Jones Fellow Lion Award: Acknowledgement of work with war victims.
2004 – Inaugural UNESCO Children in Need Award: Commitment to victims of landmines.
2004 – UCI University of California Irvine Fellowship Award in Human Security
2004 – Open University Doctorate
2005 – PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: Humanitarian Award.
2006 – Graduate Fellowship in Human Security, UCI
2007 – Vegan Society Achievement Awards: Voted the peoples favourite vegan
2008 – Animal Activist of the Year
2009 – VegNews Person of the Year: most successful vegan businesswoman.
2010 – Compassionate Visionary Award: Outstanding work on behalf of farmed animals.
2010 – Easter Seals Lilli and Allan Shedlin Award: Uncompromising commitment to help others.